This means WAR

So, it looks like our first contact with an alien species was one of hostility.

My fears have been confirmed. This IS all about combat and an arms race. As if we didn’t have enough emphasis on weapons already in the game. I was expecting that decision to be player lead. Not handed to us. My hopes and dreams of a peaceful first contact have been well and truly smashed. I am sure lots and lots of commanders are looking forward to new pew pew weapons. But so far I have seen nothing to suggest exploration and peaceful interaction is on the horizon ! Would love to have seen some scientific experiments, some meaning to all those abandoned bases, some exploration worthy tid bits . . . but no ( sad face )

For all those gung ho – hoo rah ! types – enjoy.

I will be in my lab tinkering with my hyperdrive.

First Blood

It looks like we drew first blood. AEGIS have been experimenting with some kind of new weapon . . .


It seems as though the first “weapon” fired by the Thargoid ship is designed to incapacitate our ships NOT destroy us. Only after we carry on trying to harm the Thargoids will they fire there BIG GUN.

So there you go – Thargoids are peaceful until forced to fire back.

Arms Race

So now we have an arms race on our hands. It seems we will have lots on Engineering to do to build up our defences. No mention of SCIENCE in any articles thus far, so I am guessing ALL will be about COMBAT and WEAPONS in 2.4 with maybe a little bit of exploring where to find the materials needed for the Engineers ( very sad face now )

2.4 Release Date

The release date has been announced for the 26th September 2017.