I woke up this morning with the urge to go and explore the verse. Just me, my ship, and the cosmos.

My explorer ship ‘Firestorm’ is in the workshop at the moment. It’s being fitted out with a new frame shift drive and some other MASS improving things that should push the 70 Ly boundaries. After watching some of the excellent CTRL + ALT + SPACE videos from the community and in particular the ‘Cobra MK III’ video with that awesome soundtrack …

… it got me thinking about my Cobra MKIV.

I used to love that ship, until my ASP Explorer arrived, and then I kind of fell out of love with MKIV. So today I am going to take out the Cobra MKIV and give it a good thrashing. Off I went to the hangar. There she is. Looking just as amazing as ever. I dusted off the cockpit panels, pre-heated the engines, got the cabin to a comfortable temperature, arranged my explorer music playlist, and sat in the CMDR’s chair. Felt like old times. A sudden wave of nostalgia hit me. I opened up the Navigation panel and plotted a course for MAIA … 31 jumps – hmm ?!?

It’s amazing how much I take for granted in 3303. The 60+ light years of my Anaconda is kind of just expected now. So when faced with the old days, it really made me think. Anywho, over the next few hours, I hyper spaced my way around the galaxy visiting the Engineer bases. Luckily I had a stash of all the components needed, so I managed to get the jump range up to a respectable 41Ly’s. A huge improvement over the original 16Ly’s.

I re-plotted my course to MAIA, ah, that’s better – only 14 jumps away.