The Pack-hound Rack is a medium seeker Missile Rack that fires a salvo of “drunk” missiles. This weapon type is power-specific for Li Yong-Rui supporters.
It will fire 4 rounds per salvo. The missiles will launch with erratic flight paths but will eventually exhibit heat seeking behavior.
The damage per shot is weaker than both types of standard Missile Racks, however the Pack-hound Rack has a higher DPS than the equivalent seeker missile rack. Additionally, the Pack-hound rack has a lower re-arm cost per activation and the multiple missiles make it more likely that a target equipped with point defense turrets will still take damage.
YouTube Video
Check out this video from a commander who uses these pack hound missiles to devastating effect. These look like fun, I can’t wait to the try them out.
You need to be pledged to Li Yong-Rui for at least 4 weeks and be at least rating 3 or above, before you can buy one.
Spent ammunition must be replenished once used. Any station that is equipped with a “Re-arm” service will be able to replenish ammunition. Once docked at the station, ammunition can be purchased from the Munitions menu in the Starport Services. Missiles cost 250 Cr per unit, and one unit contains 10 missiles. It will cost 3,300 CR to reload all 132 rounds in an empty missile rack.
Since one salvo fires 4 missile, the cost of hitting the fire button once is 100 Cr.
This weapon can be purchased once the player has pledged their allegiance to Li Yong-Rui for 4 or more weeks and the player is at a rating of rank 3 or higher. After that it can be found in every system with outfitting service, even in hostile systems.