Galnet News: Security Officer Killed in Line of Duty 26 SEP 3303
Was the headline of the Herald Daily in the Ross 154 system. Officer Jacob Scarlett was last seen in the Ross 446 system. Officer Jacob Scarlett was part of a multi-system initiative designed to target smuggling.
ROSS 446
As the news article hinted at Ross 446 I decided to head over there and check out the system to see if anything untoward was happening. Low and behold a listening post was in the system. On scanning the listening post it hinted at a system called ISTANU. So I headed out to that system to see what I could find out.
Unauthorised Installation
In the system ISTANU was an unauthorrised installation. At first I was pleased I had found the place hinted at in the listening post. But I was looking for Officer Jacob Scarlett. I quickly realised there was more to this than just a gorgeous looking installation.
Data Logs
On flying around the installation, I noticed some data logs. But they were inside the installation. I was unable to scan them. At first I thought it was a bug, but after some further examination I noticed some yellow and red doors. I bumped one of the doors by accident and it OPENED !
I started ramming all the doors and they opened as well, this must be a new INTERACTIVE game mechanic, hurrah !!!!
I managed to scan all the data logs and was feeling pleased with myself but then remembered Jacob.
Occupied Escape Pod
I continued to search the Installation for any clues as to where Jacob might be. I found an occupied escape pod . . .