The location of the Thargoid Scout ship, seen in the 24 hour live stream video earlier this year, has been found. On scanning the scout ship the ship computer identifies it as a Thargoid Scout

...Material Analysis complete...
...High concentrations for mycoid particle detected...
...Searching known databases for identification...
...Results confirmed...
Designation: Thargoid Scout

Pleiades Sector LN-T c3-4 2 a : -60,8915 ; 42,5718


There are canisters of Thargoid tech laying around the crash site. These are useful for the Palin 100m credit mission. Relog and pickup as many as you need to complete the mission.

Load up on corrosion resistant cargo bays and your good to go.

24 Hour Live Stream Video

As you can see from the video at 0:30, this is the location of the Thargoid Scout ship seen in the video.