TrackIR is a head tracking input device designed for use with gaming and simulation PC titles. It is an infrared camera that tracks the position and orientation of your head, which basically allows you look around your cockpit.

Profiles are stored here :

%appdata%\NaturalPoint\TrackIR 5\Profiles

Open default.xml with notepad and note down the device GUID

Create a new file called MyProfile.xml then copy and paste the following, make sure to change the device GUID :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
 <Description>Default Profile</Description>

Close and save the file.

Now open TrackIR5 Software and map the PAUSE and CALIBRATE buttons to your HOTAS buttons.

Load the profile and test it. Once you are happy with the way it works, delete the default.xml file and rename MyProfile.xml > default.xml. That way this profile will always be used by default.