Recon 6 Crash Site Recon 6 is a crashed Diamondback Explorer HIP 17746 3 c a at 23.1688, 14.8599 Behind the ship there is a Data Point which… Samson Class Bulk Cargo Ship Megaship – Samson Class Bulk Cargo I was running some missions for the local faction, when I noticed something on my… The Phagos Clan Dredger The Phagos Clan Dredger Megaship The Phagos Clan Dredger has this awesome looking dredging device on the rear of the ship.… Custom IntroThis is a nice little tweak that will make looking at the menu screen a bit more interesting. The video that plays on a loop… Generation Ship OdysseusDuring the Odysseus’ journey, its passengers elected a governing council with absolute authority that decided to alter… Alien Items Alien Items It seems Professor Palin is requesting the collection of Alien items. All you need to do is dock at Obsidian… Could this be? Frontier 3D Artists Thanks to the forums, some of the names of the 3D artists working on ‘things’ at Frontier… Luca Rekivek Luca Rekivek A few weeks ago a lost persons message was entered into the MAIA Herrald. The wife of Luca Rekivek pleaded…