Orthrus Intercepter Orthrus Intercepter Collating data on the Orthrus intercepter variant. At the moment most sightings have been inside… The KingfisherThe Kingfisher is a megaship that can be found in Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1. It was attacked by Thargoids on 24 NOV 3308 when… Non-Human Signal SourcesNon-Human Signal Sources spawn primarily in the vicinity of the Pleiades Nebula, such as in the system Pleiades Sector IR-W… Thargoid Sensor, Where To Find One? Thargoid Sensor, Where To Find One? Thargoid sensors are scattered around the bubble. They can be found at crashed wreck… Guardian Beacon Guardian Beacon These new Guardian Beacons are very atmospheric, great job Frontier! Turn on the in game music when you go… Unknown Link Signals Unknown Signal Bare with me, this is still work in progress. I am still trying to get my head around all this. This can be… Thargoid StructuresToday 26th June 3303 explorers from around the galaxy discovered what is known as a Thargoid Structure. Which in itself is… Unknown Probe How To Find An Unknown Probe Update: Suggested system is Delphi – it has just about every place for finding Thargoid… discordCome join our voice chat Discord server Join Discord Server Star Citizen Performance Boost How to Increase Game Performance General Tips Some issues will require an account reset including infinite loading… Unclassified Relic UNCLASSIFIED RELIC Since the Salvation weapon was fired a new type of Guardian relic has been established. We can now… Professor Palin Research Base Evacuated Professor Palin’s Research Facility on MAIA A 3 A was attacked by Thargoids on July 18 3305 forcing the… CHRYSEUM VOID HEARTSystem Shrogaae KK-A D983 Explore more life forms - http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Notable_Stellar_Phenomena System Permits System Permits A list of permits to track down and obtain – just for fun. Frontier ForumsElite Wiki CD-43 11917…