Mega Ship InteractionsMegaship Interactions Ship manufacturers have improved their vessels with cargo bays, data terminals and comms arrays, as… Material Trader What is a Material Trader? The Material Trader is a contact found at certain stations that offers to exchange a Material… Dove Enigma UA Bombed Dove Enigma UA Bombed Looks like some commander or commanders have taken great pleasure in UA bombing the Dove Enigma Mega… Thargoid Marauder Thargoid Marauders In BETA 3.0 in the Wyrd system, in Non Human Signal Sources, Thargoid Scout ships of the Marauder… Thargoid Scout Ship #2The location of the Thargoid Scout ship, seen in the 24 hour live stream video earlier this year, has been found. On… Red Alert !The Thargoids have attacked star ports in the Pleiades Sector. Hundreds of humans have been killed and many are floating in… Type 10 DefenderSo it seems after much speculation the Type-10 Defender is real and is already in game. Frontier haven’t flicked the… Jameson Cobra MKIIIThe Cobra MKIII of Commander John Jameson from the Pilots Federation has been found in the HIP 12099 system on planet 1B…